Newberry Springs, California

Our Muslim President

President Obama prepares for Mosque prayers
with his fellow anti-America Muslims.
Is Obama a closet Muslim?
Decide for yourself !

Newberry Springs, California

Newberry Springs, California

      Obama has spent nearly $1 million in Democratic campaign donations for legal fees so as not to have to present his birth certificate.

What is he hiding?
      What is worth nearly $1 million in Democratic funds to hide from you? His American birth certificate should be a matter of great pride to share. Does he have an American birth certificate?  Does it show his birth name of Barry before he decided to change it to the Muslim name of Barrack?  Does it perhaps list his religion as that of Islam in which he has written so proudly of?

Where is the open transparency candidate Obama promised to give us?

      How can our fighting troops trust this man's fitness to be their Commander- in-Chief and risk their lives if Obama won't present his legal fitness to be President ?  How stupid can Americans voters be not to demand it !

Q:  What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A:  Bo has papers.

      And what happened to both Barack and Michele Obamas' law licenses?

They both had to surrender their license!
      Law licenses are surrendered only before a state revokes them for misdeeds!  Com'on President, what happened?  Where is your promised transparency?

      Obama also misled the public during his Senate and Presidential campaigns that he was a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago!

      He apparently wasn't (and still isn't) very good at knowing about the U.S. Constitution because he confused it with the Declaration of Independence during his carefully planned State of the Union Address given before Congress!  And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech!  As a phony, it's hard for him to keep the facts straight.  Thank goodness for teleprompters.

Newberry Springs, California

      This webpage, despite being a little dated, is maintained because this is one of our pages that has been repeatedly hacked with the surgical removal of this page's HTML code, and its images, from our Web host server.  Due to the sophisticated preventative measures in place to prevent such hacking by our Web host (, the removal of our material can only be done by an extremely sophisticated and savvy entity, such as the National Security Agency.

      Why would the NSA be doing such?  The Obama Administration has been pouring billions of taxpayers' dollars into private contractors' governmental mega expansion of surveillance upon Americans as revealed by Edward Snowden.  The Administration and the receivers of these funds have a huge interest in these funds continuing; and keeping the powers behind the cash-flow in office.  This website is only one of many that we know of that has been experiencing this selective targeting of Web server files.

      "Big Brother" is no longer a fear, but a reality.  Even impacting the Free Speech of a small, rural website.

Newberry Springs, California